Hi, President Obama!


This week I knocked on doors as a part of a congressional campaign for the very first time.

I had no prior experience with canvassing but Katie Porter’s campaign team got me ready and up to speed in about 15 minutes. Although I am a medical student, and pretty busy in the midst of residency applications, I wanted to do something more than complain about how frustrating our politics have become. So I showed up.

That is all it took. The campaigns are prepared to galvanize their volunteers. They are ready and waiting for people like us to show up and spend an afternoon knocking on doors.

The people I spoke with when canvassing had two things in common:

1. They were fed up with the current administration.

2. They did not know who they were voting for in November.

Knocking on doors makes a difference. The people I spoke to were so frustrated with current politics but didn’t know that they have an amazing candidate running for office in their home district! Now they know and they thanked me for coming by to tell the good news and how they are looking forward to voting in November.

Now, even though I have been interested in healthcare policy for a while now, politics has always felt somehow far removed. So far that, maybe, at times, I questioned the power of my vote or the importance of being engaged in politics especially at a time where the headlines are unrelenting, delivering blow after frustrating blow related to this current administration. But spending an afternoon actually talking with Americans about the upcoming election erased my doubts and affirmed that participating matters.

My commitment to staying engaged was profoundly affirmed this morning when I saw President Barack Obama speak at a rally in Anaheim. My husband and I were lucky enough to get tickets to this event (another benefit of being involved!).

The rally started with several speakers, one of which was delivered by a woman who shared a story about her daughter who was born 6 weeks early. The resulting two week NICU stay led to a $90,000 bill and her daughter’s history of prematurity could be considered a pre-existing condition for the purposes of insurance coverage in the future. The speaker shared that Obamacare provided her with hope, comfort, and coverage for her daughter.

As a fourth year medical student applying for residency in obstetrics and gynecology, this person’s story weighed heavily on me. Expectant parents should not have to worry about medical bankruptcy. That is not a normal part of pregnancy.  The continued existence of the ACA is so important for patients, for Americans. 

President Obama’s speech focused on the importance of engagement and the dangers of apathy. As a medical student, and soon to be future physician, his words resonated strongly with me.

I believe that you cannot effectively practice medicine with your eyes closed.  We need to know what is going on, who is shaping healthcare, and how we can make a difference. If physicians don’t use their voices, and their votes, to shape healthcare policy then profit will always trump patients. To me, caring for my patients includes being informed (even if the headlines are anxiety-inducing) and actively advocating for a healthcare system that puts patients first by a) voting and b) volunteering for candidates that value patients.

President Obama came out to speak on behalf of some amazing candidates running for office right now. They are the type of people that I believe can make this country better, stronger, and healthier. But these candidates need our help. Democracy is participatory by definition so if we want it to work…we need to do our part. 

If you are still reading this then I challenge you to commit one afternoon (~3 hours) to volunteering to a campaign near you some time between now and November.

This week I knocked on doors for Katie Porter of the 45th district but, really, I was knocking on doors for my values, for my future patients, and for my country, and, what’s more, so can you.

Volunteer for Mike Levin of San Diego!

Volunteer for Katie Porter of Irvine!

Volunteer for Harley Rouda of Newport Beach!

Volunteer for Katie Hill of Los Angeles!

Volunteer for TJ Cox and Josh Harder of the Central Valley.

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